Mathematics Success for All Students
Mathematics Success for All Students
This booklet is for teachers and parents who want to support their children to learn mathematics. A majority of students find it the most difficult content to learn. In this era, learners are more visual and tactile. We need to be cognizant of those who learn differently than the way we did. Most students can be successful learning mathematics when it is provided in a way that helps students learn best.
As teachers of mathematics, we find many students who struggle with the fast pace, reading, or just need to refresh their understanding to become proficient with mathematics. Research has identified strategies to support English Learners and students with special needs. These same strategies are especially powerful in any class learning mathematics. Current research shows that the strategies promoted for special education classes and English Learners are the same strategies that should be used as “good teaching” for all students of mathematics.
Sample lessons and activities for middle school and high school students are included.